Winter Tips for Cape Cod Homeowners
Whether you’re spending this winter in the area or you’ve escaped somewhere warmer for the season, make sure your Cape Cod property is ready for the coldest time of year. This means more than closing up your windows and turning on your heat, but winterizing your home doesn’t have to be a bother. In fact, preparing for the cold weather is easy with a little help from your local energy experts!
The following tips and reminders will help you get through the winter months with more convenience and security.
1. Seasonal residents: close up your Cape home.
Haven’t fully closed your Cape home for the winter? If you spend the cold weather season elsewhere, check out this helpful to-do list to make sure you’ve covered the bases of preparing your Cape home before frigid air is here to stay. Also, don’t forget to send us your winter contact information, including your cell phone and email, so we can reach you when we need to!
2. Clear a path to your tank’s fill.
After a heavy snowfall, it’s difficult for our fuel delivery drivers to reach your home when a path to your fill isn’t present. Clearing a path helps our drivers deliver your fuel safely and quickly. Thank you to all of our customers who take the time to do this snowstorm after snowstorm, year after year.
3. Keep your driveway accessible.
Like clearing a path to your tank, clearing snow and ice from your driveway makes it possible for our fuel trucks to enter your property. If you are unable to plow or shovel your driveway, we can help. Ask us about our snow removal service for delivery customers!
4. Always make sure there’s fuel in your tank.
If you are on a will-call basis for fuel delivery, avoid a no-heat situation by checking your tank’s fuel level regularly. Or, sign up for our complimentary automatic delivery service and we’ll monitor your fuel usage for you. Automatic delivery is available for both heating oil delivery and propane delivery customers.
5. Plan ahead for entertaining.
Is your home the go-to for entertaining family and friends? If you cook with gas, make sure to order your propane far enough in advance of the events you’re hosting this winter—so you can relax and enjoy the festivities.
6. Go paperless!
Save the environment and the hassle by viewing your statements online. Visit our website’s My Account function to sign up in seconds. Then, you can log in to view your Snow’s account from anywhere and at any time.