MaryLou R. & Mary S. Brewster, MA
I cannot say enough good things about the service department, its staff, and the services provided at Snow’s. We have been customers of Snow’s ever since we built our home on Cape Cod over thirty years ago and among the many exceptional fuel services Snow’s has offered us is their Home Monitoring System. With this monitoring service we have been able to enjoy our home without the constant attendant worry of home ownership from afar. Whenever we lost power, the phone connection required for our monitor wasn‚Äôt working, or our furnace didn‚Äôt function properly, this system alerted Snow’s and their service technicians were immediately dispatched to troubleshoot and remedy the problem(s). In addition to its emergency response features, this home monitoring system also assures us of regular preventative monitoring of our home‚Äôs temperature, oil reserves, and overall furnace performance, all of which give us tremendous peace of mind when we are away from our Cape Cod home.
But home monitoring systems and the like are only as good as the people who oversee them, and in Snow’s we are fortunate to have both the technology and the human touch. Over the years the personal attention, support, and excellent, responsive, comprehensive service we have enjoyed with Snow’s personnel, especially Richard and Jorge, have lead us to regard these individuals more like ‚Äúbig brothers‚Äù as well as longtime friends. Whatever the presenting issue, be it with our furnace, oil monitoring system, phone service to the latter, or weather and driveway access challenges, Snow‚Äôs has been there to anticipate our needs, provide preventative solutions, and immediately and effectively ameliorate whatever attendant problems present themselves. Snow‚Äôs service department staff have guided us through the selection and acquisition of both our previous and our current oil monitoring systems as well as our new hot water heater system, and all of these purchases have been extremely effective energy savers, each in its own right. In sum, Snow’s service department personnel are extraordinarily helpful, considerate, and responsible professionals who forever have our back, whether we‚Äôre on Cape Cod or away.
Thank you for your continuing state-of-the-art service, both technical and personal.