How to Close Your Cape Cod Summer Home for Winter
We’re sad to say it, but summer is wrapping up this year. As the leaves begin to change, seasonal residents of Cape Cod will put away their barbecues, cover their pools, and say goodbye to their summer homes until next year. If you’re one of these residents, we encourage you to follow the checklist below to ensure that your home is sealed up properly so it’s ready to weather some cold temperatures and welcome you back next spring.
Your Seasonal-Home Closing Checklist on Cape Cod, MA

Turn Down the Thermostat
While you’re away, be sure to still keep your heat system running on low—you don’t want to return to frozen pipes and water damage. An ideal temperature to keep your seasonal home while you’re away is around 50 to 55 degrees. Be sure to sign up for Snow’s automatic oil or propane delivery so you don’t have to worry about placing orders remotely.

Turn off the Water
Set yourself up for success and turn off the main water valve on your home. Be sure to run the sinks and toilets right before you leave so you don’t have to stress about frozen and bursting pipes, water damage, and mold.

Clean, Clean, and Clean Some More!
Empty your fridge and pantry of perishable foods, clean up your living space, and dispose properly of any trash or recyclables hanging around. You won’t want them sitting around and collecting dust or bugs while you’re away.

Update Contact Info with Your HVAC Company
Snow’s Fuel Company is happy to keep an eye on your home for you while you’re away—but if we need to get ahold of you, do we have the right contact information? Reach out to us today to make sure we do. Plus, you can enter the raffle we’re currently hosting for a chance to win a gift card!
Need Assistance with Home Closing?
Snow’s Fuel Company is proud to provide outstanding home comfort services to year-round and seasonal Cape Cod customers. If you’d like the peace of mind knowing that experts are keeping an eye on your property, get in touch with our team today. We’ll be pleased to assist you.