Have You Heard about the MA Clean Heat Standard?

If you’re a resident of Massachusetts and you haven’t heard about the MA Clean Heat Standard, it’s important that you read this page. The Clean Heat Standard is a climate policy proposed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to meet the emissions limit for residential, commercial, and industrial heating. This is not a bill, meaning that you will not get to vote on it at the ballot box—the only way to make your voice heard is to contact your legislators.

While the Clean Heat Standard recognizes of Bioheat® fuel as a renewable fuel, this support is very limited and does not acknowledge propane gas at all. These are low-carbon energy choices that are available to help meet climate goals right now. Unless Massachusetts residents make their opinions about the Clean Heat Standard known, it’s likely that MassDEP will implement the policy without propane gas—and natural gas customers will be affected as well. We at Snow’s Fuel believe that you should have the right to choose how to heat your own home. That’s why we’re sharing this information. If you are concerned about this policy, you can contact your state representatives.


Downsides to the MA Clean Heat Standard

Implementation of the Clean Heat Standard would have a ripple effect on homeowners and business owners in Massachusetts who are currently using propane, natural gas, and heating oil, plus its renewable blends like Bioheat® fuel. As the policy aims to encourage widespread electrification, the availability of and support for propane and Bioheat® fuel will decrease steadily if it is implemented. If your electric bill is already high, just imagine what it would look like if you had to rely on a heat pump for 100% of your home heating. There are additional downsides that come with needing to rely on electricity and heat pumps for your primary source of heat:

  • The Massachusetts electric grid relies heavily on fossil fuels, with close to 70% of support coming from natural gas, coal, and fuel oil. It does not seem likely that it can shoulder the burden of powering the entire state’s energy demand on its own.
  • The grid has faced challenges in extremely cold temperatures, which are common in our state. This means that the grid will probably not perform well when temperatures dip below freezing.
  • Implementation of the Clean Heat Standard would make it harder or impossible to access propane or Bioheat® fuel as a backup power source. If your power were to go out, you would not have heat, electricity, or hot water until it was restored.

Snow’s Fuel wants MA residents to be informed about how they can advocate for keeping their energy choices. You can voice your concerns by contacting your government officials about the Clean Heat Standard.


A Great Loss for Propane & Bioheat® Fuel Customers

A switch to total electrification would be a great loss for Massachusetts. Many people love the use of propane and Bioheat® fuel for the following reasons:

  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel are delivered and stored on-site at your home or business
  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel are provided by locally owned, family-run businesses
  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel offer affordable, reliable heat that you can trust
  • Propane and Bioheat fuel run your current equipment, and a whole-home conversion to electricity is an expense that can total tens of thousands of dollars
  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel are low-carbon fuel alternatives

Many of these benefits will be lost if the Clean Heat Standard becomes policy statewide with limited inclusion of Bioheat® fuel and no inclusion of propane. Only MA residents like you can help make sure propane and Bioheat® fuel are part of the Clean Heat Standard moving forward. You can advocate for keeping your fuel choice by emailing or calling your state reps.

Propane & Bioheat® Fuel Should Be a Part of the Clean Energy Solution

Snow’s Fuel Company believes that Propane and Bioheat® fuel should be a part of the Clean Heat Standard in Massachusetts because consumers like you need real choices regarding how you keep your home warm and comfortable. If you’re passionate about retaining your energy choice, please feel free to use the form on this page to email your local state officials to let them know that propane and Bioheat® fuel should be included in the Massachusetts’ policy.

Call Your State Representatives

Representative Sarah K. Peake

Democrat – 4th Barnstable

Chatham, Harwich, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro, and Provincetown

(617) 722-2240

Representative Christopher Richard Flanagan

Democrat – 1st Barnstable

Brewster, Dennis, and Yarmouth

(617) 722-2080