Get Your Grill Ready for Summer on the Cape

Spring is in full swing here on Cape Cod, and Memorial Day is right around the corner. This means families across the Lower Cape are firing up their barbecues for the first time this season. Maybe you’re gearing up for an epic holiday cookout, or you’ve already been using your grill to whip up easy dinners. Read this blog from your friends at Snow’s Fuel to learn the best ways to get ready to grill this spring and find out why propane grills continue to be a popular choice with homeowners across the country.

Why Do People Love Propane Grills?

Propane grills are very popular with homeowners in Massachusetts and beyond due to their convenience. Using a propane grill is a lot like bringing an indoor gas cooking appliance into the open air, and portable tanks are easy to switch in and out. This is especially true when you rely on Snow’s Fuel for your propane cylinder refills. We’ll fill up your tank promptly at our filling station in Orleans and get you grilling in no time! Other reasons propane continues to be a beloved fuel for grills include:

  • Propane grills heat up quickly
  • Propane makes cleanup fast and easy
  • Propane lets your flavors shine through
  • Propane is efficient and controllable

Related Post: Top Reasons to Choose Propane for Your Gas Conversion

Get Your Grill Ready for Spring with These Tips

Take Your Grill Out of Storage

Let’s start off easy! To prepare your grill for warmer weather, you’ll have to remove it from its storage spot.

Clean Your Grill

Make sure every part of your grill is clean and free from damage. This is an essential step for your safety as well as the longevity of your grill.

Prep the Spot

Figure out where your grill is going to live for the spring and summer and sweep out, hose down, or power wash its parking spot. Make sure there’s nothing flammable nearby, like branches or dog toys.

Fill Up Your Propane Cylinder at Snow’s

Snow’s Fuel is proud to offer affordable, quick, no-hassle tank refills right here on the Cape. We also sell brand-new propane cylinders for your grill if you need one! Stop by anytime during our regular business hours to have your tank filled right away or drop it off and pick it up later. It’s that easy!

Do a Test Run

Before grilling for a get-together or a party with friends, try making a few items for yourself and your family. This is the perfect time to try out any new recipes you might have before you put them in front of a bigger audience!

Get Your Grill on with Propane from Snow’s Fuel

These tips should keep you and your grill in top shape for the spring and summer here on the Cape. We hope you have a great time entertaining family and friends throughout the warmer seasons. And remember, if you need a propane cylinder refill, you know where to find us—right here in Orleans, MA, ready and waiting to assist you!